Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Oldmeme & Chairman's Saturday night fun and games

Should the Sandman be banned during Pug matches?

Poll ended at Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:00 pm

Yes! It's vastly overpowered under these circumstances!
No! It opens the Scout to take on a wider variety of situations and take matters into his own hands!
Possibly. I'd like to see some restrictions on it at least.
Possibly. I don't see it as much a a threat.
No votes
Possibly. I'd want to see how it would affect the matches first hand before I decide.
Total votes: 17

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by Keasis » Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:57 am

Loud&Clear wrote:I voted possibly. Sure, it stops ubers, but if the whole game revolves around who gets their uber in first, then the game must be sucking.

Also, compression blasts, if used well, can stop an uber as well.

Also also, what does pug mean?
Evenly matched teams often revolve (especially in 6v6) around chokepoints and ubers. In 16v16 a 3 deaths is peanuts, but in 6v6 it spells doom for the rest of the team unless they retreat or get lucky.

pug = pick-up game / pick-up group.

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by oldmeme » Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:20 am

Keasis is right on the ball there. I went with Yes myself because I felt it could severely, but temporarally, take chunks off the spearheading force behind the push forward for a team, ie. Ubers.

Ubers should be a thing to be feared, not a "No worries, just pull up the Scout to take care of it." In saying it however, I do kind of like it now and then during a 16v16 match, as they usually turn into death matches anyway.

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by Doomzor » Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:42 am

As Loud&Clear said the Scout isn't the only one to ruin ubers, so can Pyros with compression blast and Demos with stickies.

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by Loud&Clear » Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:02 pm

Also bear in mind that the guy playing the scout would not have the double jump (making it harder for him to dodge). With his low hp, he'd be more a liability to his team rather than an asset, only useful when that uber comes, in case he is a good shot and gets the medic instead of the patient (remember, medics: if your ubered patient is bonk'd go uber someone else).

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by Doomzor » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:44 pm

After playing it saturday the sandman really doesn't seem to fit in the spirit, better to have scouts just with double jump.

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Re: Should The Sandman be banned within the Pugs?(Recount)

Post by Jesse_James » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:33 am

I think the sandman is just one more thing that can ruin an uber and its more efective than the airblast (the pyro needs to get in range of the soldier/demoman) or stickies (for obvious reasons). There is only one medic so i think the airblast and stickies should be enough. I prefer the double jump to the sandman, anyway.

I dont really see any possible restriction. 2 scouts with normal bat are way more better than one scout with sandman in my opinion. Unless you combine one sandman scout with the pyro shark atack!!!

P.S.: with the respawn time and having only 6 players per team the sandman can also be dangerous if a medic or demoman gets killed because they are stunned. It may appear to be little but a team without the demoman or the medic for 15 seconds is harsh...

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