As everyone probably knows and in the age old traditional of valve updates. The recent update has porked sourcemod. In order to get the servers working all sourcemod stuff has been removed.
The only way to change things around is via rcon or using HLSW therefore until it's fixed you may need one of the follow admins to be around:
(there may be more but I don't know!)
Highlander Server
Re: Highlander Server
Doesnt look like its deleting the old demo-files BBloke... There are still some demo's in there from about a month old...BBloke wrote:Here's what I've thought and done.
I've setup a script to delete .dem files from one folder once they are 14 days old.
Re: Highlander Server
Nice catch. I had forgotten to setup the scheduled task. No worries. It's working now.
Thanks for posting up Cali.
Thanks for posting up Cali.
Re: Highlander Server
BBloke, was just wondering... When we change maps, does it load a standard config for the 5CP's?
Can you change that to the PL,A/D config? Since those maps will only be played from now on. (except for Viaduct)
Reading all highlander match reports, a lot of config mistakes were made this weekend.
Can you change that to the PL,A/D config? Since those maps will only be played from now on. (except for Viaduct)
Reading all highlander match reports, a lot of config mistakes were made this weekend.
Re: Highlander Server
Afaik cali, the cfg stays between maps. i.e change to a/d for badwater and its still on for steel
Re: Highlander Server
Ok, maybe i didnt see it correct, but it didnt seemed it did that MuG...
Re: Highlander Server
I'm not sure what happens when a map change is called. I think it reloads the server config which includes the etf2l.cfg and now plmapon.cfg so the defaults for payload should be preloaded.